Sunday, January 15, 2012


Thank you Lord for this beautiful snow! What a gift. I love it!!
As we get out on our road to go to church we wonder what the hill will be like.
We don't have 4 wheel drive or even snow tires, but going down should be fine. It's coming back up that's the problem!
Now for the fun part!
Here we go over the edge!
A little bit of slipping, but the DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) quickly corrects us. Dennis says it takes all the fun out of it!
Wow! We even made it back up the hill after church without having to walk up! That DSC is great! Now for a quick bowl of soup so we can build a snowman!!!


Blogger Sherri said...

So beautiful!! We don't have any fabulous photographers here so we didn't take many pictures.Lunde's and friends were here for their annual retreat, the kids made a snowman. Andrea and I worked on one today:) they headed home today, Andee said the roads were clear. We are expecting quite a bit more here. We lost power for a couple hours yesterday, which could be fun if we had any heat:)

Monday, January 16, 2012 at 10:04:00 PM PST  

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